Friday, September 14, 2012

Finding Hope in God's Peace

Peace In the Face of Rage

In You we find peace in the midst of the storm
While faces of rage burn in our minds,
for their hatred of us is their hatred of You,
and You’ve promised victory  is not far behind!

“Those who live by the sword will die by it too!”
Wise  words of Your Son still hold true
As we appeal to You, Father,  to guide us through life,
You call us to the peace that’s in You!

A people most of us never have known
Through technology  send images of hate
Blood, fire and anguish thrust murderous mobs
crashing through Embassy gates!

Motivated by Satan, so evil and dark
Fueled by his lust for death
Destruction and hatred wreak punishing blows
and innocents gasp their final breaths.

How long, our Father, O how long
will evil reign harsh in this world?
How long will Your Name be blasphemed about
and your saints to torturous deaths be hurled?

“Those who live by the sword will die by it too!”
Wise  words of Your Son still hold true!
As we appeal to You, Father,  to guide us through life,
You call us to the peace that’s in You!

By Jerri Sisk Harrington

Sept. 14, 2012

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